
Wednesday May 04, 2016

Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
Mimi Burnham - Bartender at Danny Meyer’s Porchlight Bar (fixed)
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
Mimi Bernham has been bartending in NYC for many years. From crazy nightclubs to now working behind the stick at the great Porchlight Bar,
the first dedicated cocktail bar from Danny Meyer’s restaurant group.
At Porchlight the bar team is doing amazing cocktails. The staff &
the hospitality are amazing.
It the Bartender Journey Podcast Number 161. Listen with the audio player on this page or:
· Subscribe on iTunes
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Upcoming 2016 Bar Institute events:
May 1-3 – Southwest in Phoenix
June 12-14 – Central in Austin
August 21-23 – Southeast in Miami
Sept. 25-27 – Northwest in Portland
Nov. 6-10 – Nationals in New York
On the next Bartender Journey Podcast we will feature an interview with Britany & Lindsey from Bar Institute! Make sure you are subscribed to the show so that the new episodes download to your phone automatically.
Thank you to Nightclub & Bar for naming Bartender Journey on of the 7 Best Hospitality Podcasts!
Book of the Week: Danny Meyer’s Danny Meyer’s Setting the Table: The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business.
Cocktail of the Week - Mary Pickford: Appearing in Gourmet Magizine in 1943, the Mary Pickford was, named for the silent film star and co-founder of United Artists. This drink is widely attributed to Eddie Woelke, (also creator of the El Presidente cocktail), who fled to Cuba during Prohibition. 2 oz. white rum (I used Montanya from Colorado). 1 oz. pineapple juice 1 barspoon grenadine 1 barspoon maraschino liqueur Tools: shaker, strainer Glass: cocktail Garnish: brandied cherry Help keep the Bartender Journey Podcast alive! Visit the Tip Cup page to show your support! Toast of the Week: To all the days here and after May they be filled with fond memories, happiness, and laughter. |

Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Bartending Problems - Getting Those Glasses Clean & Spotless
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
What's the best way to get your glasses clean? Do we really need to polish every single glass? Take a listen to the podcast as we talk to an expert on dishwashers! Recorded at the Nightclub & Bar Show in Las Vegas.

Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Pisco & Pisco Sours!
Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Cocktail of the Week: Pisco Sour
· 3 oz Pisco
· 1 oz Fresh Lime Juice
· ¾ oz Simple Syrup
· 1 Egg White
Shake allingredients with ice.
Strain out icewith Hawthorn Strainer.
Shake againwithout ice, (“dry shake”)
Pour intochilled cocktail couple
Add 3 drops AngosturaBitters. Use small knife to make adesign.
Book of the Week:
The Bar Book: Elements of Cocktail Techniqueby JeffreyMorgenthaler

Tuesday Mar 29, 2016
Cocktail Competitions - How to Win!
Tuesday Mar 29, 2016
Tuesday Mar 29, 2016
This week on the podcast its all about cocktail competitions. Entering Bartending Competitions is great for your bartendingskills. It really gets youthinking about how to mix ingredients in new ways. And if you advance to the semi finals, things start to getreally interesting!
Listen with the audioplayer on this page or
We’ll briefly give an overview about how these competitionswork and then talk with LynnHouse, National Brand Ambassador for Heaven Hill at the NY regional finals oftheir Bartender of the Year competition. The event was held at Analog on 8th Street in Manhattan,directly across the street from Electric Lady Studios, founded by Jimi Hendrix.So we will get some insight into the mind of a Bartending Competition Judgefrom the wonderful Lynn House!
We also talk to Kate Large, brand ambassador for Copper& Kings American Brandy. Theyhave a great cocktail competition going on, but the deadline is soon.
Great news! Thedeadline for The Mix Tape Competition has been extended! April 15, 2016 is the new deadline, soget over to copperandkings.com/themixtapeto learn about it, or find the link on the Bartender Journey –Competitions page. We aregoing to hear more about this great American Brandy and more about the contestwith Kate in a few minutes.
Here are some things to keep in mind when entering theCopper & Kings Mixtape competition:
· Choose one of the Copper & Kings spirits as a base.
· Get creative, and name it after a song titlethat resonates with you & suits your drink.
· 3 rounds: online submissions by April 15; judgedby National Copper & Kings Ambassador Chris Wilkins to qualify forsemi-finals hosted in each region.
· The winner from each of those regionalcompetitions will win a trip to Louisville to compete in the finals and athree-day pass to Forecastle Music Festival!
· Participants just have to be working bartendersin one of the 23 Copper & Kings markets - check the website www.copperandkings.com/distribution

Tuesday Mar 22, 2016
Tales Of The Cocktail 2016 Preview with Philip Duff
Tuesday Mar 22, 2016
Tuesday Mar 22, 2016
Plans for Tales Of The Cocktail 2016 are underway! The yearly July gathering ofBartenenders from around the world is the premier event for the industry. Director of Education for Tales, PhilipDuff, joins us for a chat at the Dead Rabbit in Manhattan. Dead Rabbit was awarded World’s BestBar in 2015 at the Spirited Awards – the annual awards ceremony for theindustry, held during Tales each year.
Listen to the podcast with the audio player on this page or:
In this episode of Bartender Journey we talk to Philip abouthow best to navigate Tales, about the various seminars, plus some predictionsfor the future of the Bar Business.
The Tales Of The Cocktail 2016 schedule is now available.
Dick Bradsell passed away recently. He was a very influential in thecocktail world, especially in his native country England. Mr. Bradsell invented, among otherdrinks, the Espresso Martini and the Bramble. In Mr. Bradsell‘s honor, our Cocktail of the Week is the Bramble.
- 2 oz Gin (I used St. George Terrior)
- 1 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
- ¾ oz Simple Syrup
- ½ oz Crème de Mure (I used Cedilla Acai Liqueur, Chambered would also work)
Shake first three ingredients. Strain into an Old Fashioned glassfilled with crushed ice. Top withCrème de Mure.
Book of the Week: The Dead Rabbit Drinks Manual: Secret Recipes and Barroom Tales from Two Belfast Boys Who Conquered the Cocktail World

Tuesday Mar 15, 2016
Nightclub Bar Show Las Vegas 2016 Wrap Up
Tuesday Mar 15, 2016
Tuesday Mar 15, 2016
The Nightclub & Bar Show is the trade show run by Jon Taffer’s company.
This week we take the show on the road to Las Vegas where we met lots of interesting people, saw some cool products and even had a cocktail or two! We recorded lots of audio in Vegas and we’ll share so great conversations this week on Bartender Journey Podcast number 154.
Listen with the audio player on this page or
· On the Bartender Journey web site
· Jesse Greenleaf works at the famous Dukes bar on Oaho Hawaii. He gave a great talk called Aloha Attitude/Mahalo Mentality behind the bar. I talked with Jesse after his seminar. Among other things we talked about:
o Introducing guests to each other is a great thing to do to create a great atmosphere in a bar. Jesse made a great point, “You are hosting a party. At a party not all the guests are going to know each other at first. Its up to the host to introduce everybody.”
o Jessie is very focused on remembering his guests’ names. These are some of his tips for getting to know everybody in his bar:
§ Repeat the name three times in his head
§ Introduce the guest to somebody else, like your bar back
§ Make sure to enter the first names into the POS
o Jesse also talked during the seminar about using the power of suggestion, for instance if you take a credit card, nod your head and say “keep it open Jerry?” Don’t say “close it out?” because they probably follow your lead.
o Also using power of suggestion when offering another round – his example was if Jerry is drinking a Corona, pull out another from the ice and nod your head and say “another Corona Jerry?”
· The Book of the Week is Jesse Greenleaf’s book: The Cocktail Handbook – Cool Drinks From Hawaii’s Hottest Bartenders.
· Jesse is a big proponent of shaking hands with his guests. While I was in Vegas I went to a great Bar called Herbs and Rye. I walked into that bar & the guy behind the bar went out of his way to come over and look me in the eye and shake my hand as if we were great friends that hadn’t seen each other is 10 years. I had never been to that bar before and never seen this man in my life, but its was such a genuine welcome and hand shake. The head bartender and owner of Herbs & Rye, Nectaly Mendoza Won Bartender of the Year at NCBShow this year.
· Jason Griffen, who we first met at NCBShow three years ago, owns the Quick Strain Tin Company.
· Free pouring vs. jiggers? We talk with Nick Hauke who did a seminar called Pourning with Speed and Accuracy. Nick also invented the Flash Pourer which makes a small visible flash every ¼ oz. It can be great for training and every day use too. Bar owners liked the Flash Pourer because they can have a visual cue to see how much the bartenders are pouring.
· Jeffrey Morgenthaler, author of the great Bar Book gave a talk called Technique Driven Cocktails. The point of the seminar was: question everything. A lot of misinformation gets passed down from bartender to bartender. He had a good idea – to talk to the kitchen when you have questions.
· You’ve heard this before right? That if you roll a lemon on the bar it’ll give you more juice. Also, that a room temperature lemon will give more juice. I always assumed it was true. He decided to do a controlled experiment to see if it was true. His results were surprising to say the least! He divided 60 lemons up into 4 categories:
o Refrigerated, Unrolled
o Refrigerated, Rolled
o Unrefrigerated, Unrolled
o Unrefrigerated, Rolled
Surprisingly the Refrigerated, Unrolled yielded the most juice. Not by a huge margin, but according to popular opinion, that should have yielded the least!
· Friend of Bartender Journey, Warren Bobrow was at the Nightclub & Bar show representing Mezan Rum.
· In Vegas I met up with Chris & Julia of the Mixology talk podcast. They introduced me to Mellissa Davis-Taylor who was presenting a seminar called Detoxing Your Cocktails. I really think that’s something we going to start seeing a lot more of – healthier ingredients in cocktails. Mellissa’s web site is is liquorlady.com
Toast of the Week:

Tuesday Mar 08, 2016
Whisky Live Wrap Up/Nightclub Bar Send Off
Tuesday Mar 08, 2016
Tuesday Mar 08, 2016
Whisky Live NYC was a great event. We talk with Master of Whisky Gregor Cattanach about Scotch. Plus we get ready for the Nightclub & Bar Show in Las Vegas!

Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
How to: Hospitality with Sother Teague of Amor y Amargo
Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Sother Teague of the great East Village NYC bar Amor y Amargohas a very specific and wonderful approach to hospitality. During the Tampa Repeal Day Conference,Sother gave a great talk about the steps of service that are followed whenpeople come into his bar. Ithought it was a really great seminar and something that everybody in theindustry could learn from. Hecalled the seminar “The Psychology of the Room. How to use Inherent Human Behavior to Guide People ThroughTheir Time in Your Space”.
I asked Sother if he would be a guest on the BartenderJourney Podcast to talk about his great bar in Manhattan, and also about thegreat talk that he gave in Tampa.
Listen with the audio player on this page or
· On the Bartender Journey web site
Sother’s philosophy on service is designed to provide thebest possible experience for his guests. As he says “We don’t sell the drinks, the ice, the bitters. All that stuff comes free with theHospitality”.
Book of the Week:
How To Win Friends andInfluence People by Dale Carnegie. Learn the six ways to make people like you, the twelve ways to winpeople to your way of thinking, and the nine ways to change people withoutarousing resentment.
Also try the updated How toWin Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age.
Cocktail of the Week:
Sharpie Mustache. Created by Chris Elford during his tenure at Amor y Amargo.
· 3/4 ounce Meletti Amaro
· 3/4 ounce Bonal Gentiane Quina
· 3/4 ounce London dry gin (AyA uses Beefeater)
· 3/4 ounce Overproof rye whiskey (AyA uses Rittenhouse100°)
· 2 dashes Bittermens Tiki Bitters
Stir over plenty of ice to dilute and chill. Strain into achilled glass. Express the oil from an orange twist over the top of the drinkand drop in to garnish.
Toast of the Week:
Here’s to the nights that become memories, the friends thatbecome family, and the dreams that become reality.

Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Usquaebach Scotch Whisky
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Usquaebach Scotch Whisky
Usquaebach is a Blended Scotch Whisky. We talk with U.S. Brand Ambassador Ryan Judson.
Listen with the audio player on this page or
· On the Bartender Journey web site
The definition of a Single Malt Scotch is a whisky made from Malted Barley at a single distillery.
A Blended Scotch whisky is made from Malted Barley, blended with wheat or corn whisky. A Blended whisky is made from a blend of whiskies from several different distilleries.
This does not make one better than the other, though many people have a misinformed preconception that Single Malts are superior. Education & tasting is the key to overcoming these assumptions.
Cocktail of the Week:
Usquaebach Old Fashioned
· 3 oz. Usquaebach Reserve Scotch Whisky
· 1 oz. Almond Orgeat
· 3 dashes Orange Bitters
· Orange Peel
· Grated Cinnamon Stick
Preparation: Stir all first 3 ingredients with ice. Strain over rocks, garnish with the orange peel and grated cinnamon.
The Book of the Week is Whiskey Cocktails: Rediscovered Classics and Contemporary Craft Drinks Using the World's Most Popular Spirit by Warren Bobrow.
Also coming soon from Warren Bobrow: Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails, and Tonics: The Art of Spirited Drinks and Buzz-Worthy Libations. Now available for pre-order.
Whisky Live NYC is Feburary 24, 2016. Use the discount code WLNY16 for 10% off.
Our sponsor is BevSpot, who can help you with inventory, ordering, pars, forecasting and more. Schedule a free online demo today!