
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Dano's Tequila and Resources for Bartenders
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
We chat with Chris Timmerman from Dano's Tequila.

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
WBSE (Whiskey Bourbon Scotch Enthusiasts)
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
We talk with Chad Cadden & Bill Varnell, founders of Whiskey, Bourbon, and Scotch Enthusiasts, (WBSE).
Also joining us is author of Beginner's Guide to Whiskey, Sam Green.
You can find WBSE on Facebook or their website.

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Whisk(e)y Clubs
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
We talk with Peter Grasso of the Monmouth Whisky Club and Julia Ritz Toffoli founder of Women Who Whiskey.

Monday May 18, 2020
Keeping the Hustle Alive with Walter Easterbrook
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Friend of the podcast Walter Easterbrook joins us to talk about how he's still hustling during quarantine. He also share some great resources from his recent Beyond the Bar series.
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Thanks to the Beyond the Bar sponsors who are supporting the community:

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tequila Education
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Great Education with founder of Hiatus Tequila, Kristopher DeSoto for Cinco de Mayo!
For a deep dive into Tequila Education, check out the Hiatus Tequila YouTube page.

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Ten (plus) Bartender Book Recommendations
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Brian’s Picks:
- Jeffrey Morgenthaler’s The Bar Book, Elements of Cocktail Technique is always my #1 recommendation. (He was a guest on Episode 113.)
- Esquire Drinks, An Opinionated & Irreverent Guide to Drinking - David Wondrich (out of print, but is available used on Amazon for as little as $2.81!) An old book - 2002, but a goodie. Mr. Wondrich, who is the end all authority on cocktail history wrote this book for Esquire Magazine. If you ever want the definitive answer on the history of a cocktail, just google the name of the drink and "Wondrich". (He was a guest on Episode 110.)
- The Joy of Mixology The Consummate Guide to the Barternend’s Craft - Oh Gaz....I miss you. Originally published in 2003, there is an updated version of this book. (He was a guest on Episode 175.)
- The Curious Bartender, The Artistry and Alchemy of Creating the Perfect Cocktail - Tristian Stephenson. Smart guy. I love how in this book he presents a classic cocktail, gives the classic specs, and then his interpretation of an improvement on the recipe. (He was a guest on Episode 122.)
- Regarding Cocktails - Sasha Petraske (Foreword by Dale DeGroff), Shsah changed everything in our industry. (He's NOT been a guest on the show, he unfortunately passed away in 2015... I never had the opportunity to meet the man, but he influenced so many).
Benny’s Picks:
- Liquid Intelligence, The Art and Science of the Perfect Cocktail by Dave Arnold. The Science of Cocktails? Who would have thought? A great and well thought out book.
- Smuggler’s Cove, Exotic Cocktails, Rum,and the Cult of Tiki by Martin and Rebecca Cate (He was a guest on Episode 186 .) A beautiful book full of great information and beautiful tiki drinks.
- Beach Bum Berry Remixed, Gallery of Tiki Drinks by Jeff Berry. A real tiki book, full of old school tiki recipes.
- PDT Cocktail Book, The Complete Bartender’s Guide From the Celebrated Speakeasy by Jim Meehan (He was a guest on Episode 77.) Meehan is a true gentleman who created a perfect Speakeasy. Every Bartender should own this book.
Also mentioned in this episode:
- Meehan’s Bartender Manual by Jim Meehan (Featured on Episode 89.) If you ever even considered owning your own bar, you must read this book from cover to cover.
- The Flavor Bible, The Essential Guide to Culinary Creativity, Based on the Wisdom of America’s Most Imaginative Chefs by Karen age and Andrew Dornenburg. An outstanding book on flavors - what goes with what.
- Cocktails Made Simple: Easy & Delicious Recipes for the Home Bartender by Brian Weber and Amin Benny. What to make cocktails at home, or get a foundation for becoming a professional Bartender? This book is authored by host of Bartender Journey, Brian Weber and co-author Amin Benny.

Friday Apr 24, 2020
Distilled Spirits Council President Chris Swonger
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
We talk with the President of the Distilled Spirits Council Chris Swonger about the Council's efforts during the COVID19 crisis.

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Ever Think About Creating Your Own Bartender Podcast?
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
With all of us Bartenders stuck at home and out of work during quarantine, this might be just the time to start a podcast of your own!
Here's a little jump start for you!

Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
In this difficult time of the Bud Lite, um, Corona virus...we are sending good vibes/wishes to stay healthy mental, physically and financially. That last one...financially is really tough right now, I know.
Before we go any further, please understand that while I am a professional Bartender, I am not a lawyer, doctor, financial planner or anything like that. Please go to bartenderjourney.net/disclaimer to read our Disclaimer.

Monday Mar 16, 2020
Corona-tastrophe. Part2
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
We here we are in the thick of the Corona-tastrophe. It is having far reaching implications and consequences for the Hospitality industry.
We have an interview with Andrew Rigie, Executive Director of the New York City Hospitality Alliance. He’s also Chair of New York City’s Office of Nightlife Advisory Board.
The interview with Mr. Rigie was recorded prior to the March 15th announcement of Mayor Di Blasio's executive order limiting restaurants, bars, and cafes to food take out and delivery; nightclubs, movie theaters, small theater houses, and concert venues must close effective Tuesday, March 17th.
The NYC executive order was then superseded by NY State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s executive order the following day - March 16, 2020 - that all bars and restaurants in the entire state must go to take out & delivery only. Interestingly though here in NY State, where to-go alcoholic drinks were a definite no-no for establishments like bars and restaurants with an on-premise license, it seems that it will now be allowed during the Corona-tastrophe. So here in NY anyway we can sell to-go alcoholic beverages.
The NYC Hospitality Alliance Group continues to remain a resource for our industry here in NYC - you can visit their site: the thenycalliance.org for the latest updates.